About Me

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I am a super mommy and a loving wife. I enjoy blogging about my life. People say I don't look like my age as in I look way too young like 18? I enjoy every single moment. The good, the bad, the ugly, the inspiring, the not-so-glamorous moments and I THANK GOD I got through it all.

Friday 23 March 2012

Tweet!! Tweet!

Been busy with family stuff. Behind those smiles lies a thousand sorrows. I just want what is best for my family thats all. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful amazing husband who really works so hard for the family and also having 3 smart, mischevious, talented kids.


Eva had her eye appointment at SNEC and her doctor just gave me an open date but I hope the redness will go away and I pray that Eva will not complain about her eye painful eyes but as days goes by she seems alot a better.

Used to rock my chair like that. Busy choosing what picture to color.

Eva asking me where is her friend?

Wherenever there is a fountain, there will be Eva.

After the appointment, Eva asked me to buy for her candies.

Once Eva eating her candy, it will be very hard for her to smile at the camera.

Me and my only girl Eva Nurina.

Look at my boy Ervan Rafel!
I looked so different in this picture. See how big my boy already is! Guess what!! Ervan Rafel still breastfeeding he doesn't even want to drink from milk bottle.

Superhero Daddy!

We went out for awhile to have our family lunch. It was a quick one because my boy Ervan is just so naughty. Too tired go run after him but taking care of my daughter Eva is not as tiring as Ervan. All kids grow up differently and that is unique. I could learn to be a better mommy a long the way.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Saturday Mini Laundry!

My Saturday today has been one lazy Saturday which I am so lazy to do anything like doing the house chores but one very chores that I can't run away is doing the laundry so I thought today I will wash all the clothes little by little.
Yeah! Happy using FAB Lavender!

With Freshness of Lavender!
Eversince I introduced FAB Lavender to my mom and aunt they already start buying and use FAB Lavender detergent.

My clothes just smells of Lavender and it's just so refreshing and I added a small amount of softener.
I take a peep just to see how it looks.

This is my favourite sweet delicacy. After doing all those laundry just sit back and relax eating my Polvoron Cookies and Cream with my KOI Extra Large with extra pearl.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

FAB Laveder to the Rescue!

It's fun to let my kids play with painting but it's not fun when washing their clothes and the stain is still there. BUT! GUESS WHAT! THIS TIME! IT'S DOUBLE THE FUN! I let my kids get all messy have fun and I have fun too doing the laundries just by using FAB Lavender detergent.
Starting to get all messy!

Eva just love hand painting.

Eva you may dirty your clothes, Mommy won't get mad.

Look at my boy Ervan, all so messy with paint all over!

Happy playing face painting! Too excited!

So here's what Eva's clothes before washing.
FAB Lavender Detergent removes all the stains and now it's all freshly clean.
Taddaa!! I was very happy with the result. FAB Lavender detergent just work great till I washed all my pillows and my kids pillows too!
This is my pillow after washing using Fab Lavender.
My kids Barney pillow and bolster after washing using Fab Lavender detergent. See even the colors look more vibrant.

Alright I must honestly says that this is Eva favorite pillow and bolster since she was a baby. Before using Fab Lavender detergent it is not as white like a brand new and the fragrance doesn't even last long eventhough when using the softener. But here is the result after using Fab Lavender detergent even my daughter says her pillow and bolster smells nice.

As you can see everything looks so fresh, clean and feels so heavenly.

Eversince washing my clothes and others using FAB Lavender detergent I love doing my laundries without having feeling grumpy or lazy. You know how nerve wrecking it is when it is not up to your standard. I just love Fab Lavender! No detergent works great like Fab Lavender. You should try it to believe it!

Monday 12 March 2012

Sunday with Husband

Had a great Sunday with my husband. It's been such a long time since I went out with him riding his bike. I love when he is driving or riding. I love the thrill and excitement.

My husband bought some clay for his new project and we went to Courts and Giant to buy a new oven for the clay to bake. After that we head to Tampines and I was thinking of getting at Cash Converters since we are not using it for food but WE CHANGED OUR MIND!! I WAS LIKE OH MY GAAWWD!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?IT WAS SO HORRIBLE! I'M NOT GOING TO CONTINUE BUT TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!!! I FOUND THIS! BRAND NEW VCD! Many of the DVD'S at home are all gone!

That's all we bought at Cash Converters and after which we went to Tampines 1 and browsing for the kids stuff especially for Baby Erron Luth. We had dinner at Toast Box.

My husband had Chicken Curry with rice meal which include Barley drink. *Request to changed for other drink but can't.*

I had Mee Rebus meal which include Barley drink.

I had a lovely Sunday with my dearest husband eventhough just for like 8 hours going out with just the 2 of us I mis my dear kids at home. But I really enjoy my day with all the laughter, talking and imagining beyond our world. Hope to have a great week ahead.

My husband just love to make funny faces!! I HATE IT!! BUT I LOVE IT!!



I don't like to drink Barley but I love to eat the Barley seed!


Saturday 10 March 2012


Introducing the new Fab Lavender, with the long lasting lavender fragrance and with just one wash it makes my clothes or whatever that colour is white even whiter. What I love about Fab Lavender is that I don't have a hardtime doing my laundries because it can removes all the stubborn stains and do you know that from my bedroom I could smell the Fab Lavender detergent. Isn't it wonderful it's like aromatherapy.

Fab Lavender

Look what's on that shelf? FAB Detergent with different kinds of purposes.
After using the Fab Lavender detergent. I want to show you how amazing it is.
My colorful flowery blanket looks much more vibrant and my white bedsheet looks like a brand new white bedsheet.

Now my whole bed smells of Fab Lavender which can also helps my whole family sleep at ease. Its just so incredible that the smell stays on even when its dried.

I will share with you my journey with Fab Lavender and more photos for you to see before and after pictures!!

Thursday 8 March 2012

My 1st Hair Rebonding.

Yes! It's my first time doing hair rebonding. For all this year I am too scared if it will make my hair worsen as my hair is already worst. Not like I hate my hair it's just that I hate the texture of my hair. I could still remember my ex-classmate whose hair is dry as brown sweeping broom. Really NO KIDDING! I wonder why is it like that. I want to look good at home or when I am not putting on my make up. Because to me if your hair looks great you will look beautiful no matter what.

"I think the most important thing a woman can have - next to talent, of course - is her hairdresser." Joan Crawford

It took me 3 days to survey all the hair salon. I asked them what brand are they using and what is the price range for a short hair and some are ridiculous almost $300 and and I have ever spent over a few hundreds just for my hair but the result are freaking bad! So I am a bit phobia to pay for that type of amount.

So I went to Lena L Aoyama Tokyo at Loyang Point near my place. They are having 25% discount so I thought I give it a try. I was impressed by the result after 5 long hours of sitting down with my tummy rumbling, my eyes just want to shut and having a headache but it's worth it!

Alien Attack!

I have been sitting for like 4 hours.

End up I told my hairstylist that just washed my hair and I am done with it as long as my hair is straight and not like my usual hair I am happy with it!

I think I am going to have my hair rebond again. Easy to manage and I love to caress my soft silky hair.

I feel so comfortable even without me wearing any make up.

I know I looked so pale, but the feeling is like FREEDOM!

Hi! It's me again!

So how do I look? My husband doesn't like my hair now. He prefer my previous hair but I really hate my hair which arelike totally so damaged, dry, and I feel like I want to shave my whole hair!! If I were given a chance which I want to shave my hair and BUT return I get to receive $10,000 then I will do it! FOR SURE!