About Me

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I am a super mommy and a loving wife. I enjoy blogging about my life. People say I don't look like my age as in I look way too young like 18? I enjoy every single moment. The good, the bad, the ugly, the inspiring, the not-so-glamorous moments and I THANK GOD I got through it all.

Thursday 8 March 2012

My 1st Hair Rebonding.

Yes! It's my first time doing hair rebonding. For all this year I am too scared if it will make my hair worsen as my hair is already worst. Not like I hate my hair it's just that I hate the texture of my hair. I could still remember my ex-classmate whose hair is dry as brown sweeping broom. Really NO KIDDING! I wonder why is it like that. I want to look good at home or when I am not putting on my make up. Because to me if your hair looks great you will look beautiful no matter what.

"I think the most important thing a woman can have - next to talent, of course - is her hairdresser." Joan Crawford

It took me 3 days to survey all the hair salon. I asked them what brand are they using and what is the price range for a short hair and some are ridiculous almost $300 and and I have ever spent over a few hundreds just for my hair but the result are freaking bad! So I am a bit phobia to pay for that type of amount.

So I went to Lena L Aoyama Tokyo at Loyang Point near my place. They are having 25% discount so I thought I give it a try. I was impressed by the result after 5 long hours of sitting down with my tummy rumbling, my eyes just want to shut and having a headache but it's worth it!

Alien Attack!

I have been sitting for like 4 hours.

End up I told my hairstylist that just washed my hair and I am done with it as long as my hair is straight and not like my usual hair I am happy with it!

I think I am going to have my hair rebond again. Easy to manage and I love to caress my soft silky hair.

I feel so comfortable even without me wearing any make up.

I know I looked so pale, but the feeling is like FREEDOM!

Hi! It's me again!

So how do I look? My husband doesn't like my hair now. He prefer my previous hair but I really hate my hair which arelike totally so damaged, dry, and I feel like I want to shave my whole hair!! If I were given a chance which I want to shave my hair and BUT return I get to receive $10,000 then I will do it! FOR SURE!

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