About Me

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I am a super mommy and a loving wife. I enjoy blogging about my life. People say I don't look like my age as in I look way too young like 18? I enjoy every single moment. The good, the bad, the ugly, the inspiring, the not-so-glamorous moments and I THANK GOD I got through it all.

Friday 23 March 2012

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Been busy with family stuff. Behind those smiles lies a thousand sorrows. I just want what is best for my family thats all. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful amazing husband who really works so hard for the family and also having 3 smart, mischevious, talented kids.


Eva had her eye appointment at SNEC and her doctor just gave me an open date but I hope the redness will go away and I pray that Eva will not complain about her eye painful eyes but as days goes by she seems alot a better.

Used to rock my chair like that. Busy choosing what picture to color.

Eva asking me where is her friend?

Wherenever there is a fountain, there will be Eva.

After the appointment, Eva asked me to buy for her candies.

Once Eva eating her candy, it will be very hard for her to smile at the camera.

Me and my only girl Eva Nurina.

Look at my boy Ervan Rafel!
I looked so different in this picture. See how big my boy already is! Guess what!! Ervan Rafel still breastfeeding he doesn't even want to drink from milk bottle.

Superhero Daddy!

We went out for awhile to have our family lunch. It was a quick one because my boy Ervan is just so naughty. Too tired go run after him but taking care of my daughter Eva is not as tiring as Ervan. All kids grow up differently and that is unique. I could learn to be a better mommy a long the way.

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